About Me

Content Writer and Sustainability Specialist.

-Originally from London U.K , I completed my Master of Science degree  (Environment and Resource Management) in Amsterdam.

- Primarily interested in topics related to sustainability and innovation but am always willing to learn new things and different subjects.

I believe communication is key! Writing blogs and articles are a great tool to educate, inform and inspire people.

Photo by Scott Webb on Pexels

Featured Articles

A new sharing society

Party kits are part of the new sharing economy, but what does that mean? Mary Connors explains what this new way of consuming means for our communities and our planet.

What is the sharing economy?

The sharing economy is a dynamic concept covering a diverse range of peer-to-peer transactions. It goes by other labels such as collaborative consumption, shared ownership, collaborative economy and pay as you use economy, but at its core is a new sharing society.

As opposed to the traditional economic model, th

Embracing imperfection — VÆR sneakers

Damaged, flawed, broken, blemished, weathered... these are all terms we use to negatively describe something usually before we get rid of it. However, in a lot of cases, we are too quick to discard our stuff. Instead of thinking damaged = disposal, we could change our perception and embrace imperfection in all of its diverse unique forms. It’s that type of unique imperfection that VAER is trying to capture in our sneaker design. At the heart of our circular design process is the individual chara

Can you reuse potting mix?

Potting mix is an essential ingredient for both indoor and outdoor plants grown in containers. A soilless (i.e. no sand or clay) mixture is typically used, made from peat moss, wood chips or bark and minerals like perlite or vermiculite, in addition to compost. This mixture is used because houseplants need to be planted in the right conditions that allow good air circulation so their roots can grow. Peat moss is often the main ingredient in the potting mix due to its ability to retain water and

What plant pot should I use?

Plastic, ceramic, terracotta, metal, glass.. the list goes on, plant people have loads of options to choose from! But which pot is the best for your plant family, and are they any different apart from the look and style?

We’ve put together a handy guide to picking the right pots for plants with different needs! We’ve also included how the different materials can be recycled or reused to help you make responsible choices.

Ceramic pots made from terracotta are porous and absorb water, which make

Eco-certifications and plant passports

If you’ve ever bought a plant in Europe you’ve probably come across the little plant passport (usually on the back of the label, or printed on the nursery pot). And perhaps some third party eco-certifications? If you’ve been wondering what it all means then continue reading!

Dutch-based group MPS provide eco-certification for potted plants and flowers. Existing for 25 years MPS carry out independent audits and issue certification across the horticulture supply chain.

A Californian based group

What VAER stands for — VÆR sneakers

V - by using discarded textiles, we see value in the unwanted and turn them into valuable items. As the saying goes - what is one person's trash is another person's treasure.

A - our artful design process transforms these fabrics into contemporary stylish sneakers. Check out this video of our production process Facts — VÆR sneakers (vaerupcycled.com)

E - a key part of our sustainable mission is to empower our customers to tread their own sustainable path and become slow fashion champions! Our

Sustainability page- VÆR sneakers

VAER upcycles old textiles into sneakers

What is upcycling?

’Upcycling retains the original value of the material. Instead of shredding the fabric and recycling it, we use the fabric as it was made.’

By taking discarded textiles and turning them into shoes, we are saving something that was going to be wasted. We work with unwanted textiles that come from manufacturers and whatever we can get our hands-on. By transforming it into shoes we create something that is of equal or higher value to the original product.

Let's talk about food waste..

Recently, there has been a lot of attention in the media about how much food is wasted both in the U.K and worldwide. The U.K has signed up to a global sustainable target of halving food waste by 2030. Taking steps to reduce our food waste will not only save people money, but will help the environment by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions responsible for driving climate change.

Each year, UK households throw away 4.5 million tonnes of food that could be eaten. That is enough to fill the equiva